Notable people of 2014
Notable people of 2014

notable people of 2014

Would that mean swelling up the Fed's balance sheet, as many Republicans in Congress feared? Would an activist Fed stir up chaos in the market? As she took the reins of the world's most powerful macroeconomic body, what did Janet Yellen want to do? After decades of leadership focused on inflation, Yellen came in with an eye towards lowering unemployment and paring back the power of the major banks. What do you do with 4 trillion dollars? When Janet Yellen took over as chair of the Federal Reserve this February, that was the biggest question in finance. Americans, and our government, are now listening intently. Wu is affectionately known as the father of net neutrality, and he’s been fighting the good fight as loudly as possible for some time now. "Rather, there is good reason to think that the outcome will be another United Airlines, and that the nation’s largest cable company will offer higher prices and poorer service while trying to prevent new forms of television, like Internet TV, from getting better or cheaper." "Two companies, neither renowned for customer service, want to merge, with nary an indication of how this might be good for the public," he wrote. Most recently, he examined the terrible customer service that resulted from United’s merger with Continental, and speculated that Comcast’s planned merger with Time Warner would go similarly. From his online perch at The New Yorker, he has advocated forcefully for net neutrality and related issues. Wu, a writer and law professor who became an unlikely candidate for office, has indicated that he will continue advocating for the open internet as a civilian. Questions remain over whether the FCC will actually act as Obama asked them to - its chairman, Tom Wheeler, has expressed concerns - but there’s little doubt that the ideas Tim Wu’s been espousing are now firmly embedded in the mainstream. But he scored perhaps an even bigger victory later in the month, when President Obama backed Wu’s vision of an internet that is regulated as a utility. Tim Wu’s campaign to become lieutenant governor of New York this year ultimately fell short. It may be a long time before sexism is effectively erased from the media landscape, but, among so many others fighting the good fight, it's good to know Anita isn't going anywhere.

notable people of 2014

In doing so, she helped bring the problem to the mainstream by appearing in The New York Times and The Colbert Report, forcing audiences to reckon with the issues she's been facing for years.

notable people of 2014

But she never quit, instead opting to fight the Gamergate opposition head on. She wasn't alone: over the summer, she and other notable female thinkers and game developers like Leigh Alexander and Zoe Quinn were the targets of rape threats, death threats, and the kind of abuse that can drive people away from the internet altogether.


However, it was her ongoing series delving into the sexism endemic to gaming culture that brought her face-to-face with some of the ugliest and most hateful of her detractors. Women" online videos have allowed her to take on some of the most pervasive, pernicious forms of sexism in media today. As the face of Feminist Frequency, her series of " Tropes vs. These are the 50 people who made it special.Īnita Sarkeesian is unstoppable. It has been a strange and wonderful year. These are the most candid photographs of some of the most powerful and interesting people in the world right now you'll ever see, and it's an honor to share them with you. So we asked everyone to send us a selfie. This year we wanted to showcase our 50 in the same way they made their mark on the world - by letting them express themselves. Answering this question is never easy, but it was particularly hard this year - 2014 was the year when technology burst beyond its niche to drive massive change in everything from politics to fashion to the basic dynamics of how we talk and fight and live and love. That's the question we ask when we assemble the Verge 50, our definitive list of the most interesting people building the future. Who are the 50 most important people at the intersection of technology, art, science, and culture? Who are the 50 people whose work this year will shape the next 50 years?

Notable people of 2014